King County Facilities Management Division, Soos Creek Park Trail Expansion: Silver Excellence Award, Special Projects - American Council of Engineering Companies, Washington (2008)
Skyway Water & Sewer District, Seelye Addition Sewer Improvements: Silver Excellence Award, Water & Wastewater - American Council of Engineering Companies, Washington (2008)
Sound Transit, Link Light Rail Section C-700 Initial Segment: Gold Excellence Award, Transportation - American Council of Engineering Companies, Washington (2008)
Marmion Way Light Rail Corridor Metro Gold Line: Excellence Award, Plan it Safely Safety Conscious Planning Category - FHWA/FTA National Transportation Planning (2004)
NUWCD Keyport 1995 Master Plan Update/Naval Submarine Base Bangor 1989 Master Plan: Certificate of Appreciation, Department of the Navy - Naval Facilities Engineering Command (1996)