Huitt-Zollars, Inc. is pleased to announce a national award for demonstrating exceptional achievement in engineering, by the American Council of Engineering Companies.
The Spur 366 Extension is the northern boundary for the Central Business District of Dallas, and a critical link with nearby highways. In 2011, the Texas Department of Transportation rated the Spur 366 as the Most Congested Roadway in Texas. The planning, design and construction of the Spur 366 Extension became the solution to alleviate congestion and improve mobility. As prime consultant for the Spur 366 Extension and the Structural Engineer-of-Record for the nearby Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge, Huitt-Zollars was in a vital position to incorporate solid engineering practices with ingenuity, creativity, and dedication; thereby making substantial improvements to Dallas, its residents, and visitors.
The Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge inspires/creates connectivity with the north and south sectors of Dallas (See Photo 5) while also encouraging economic growth around Downtown Dallas, and provide continuity with the urban floodplain park.