Robinson Bayou Bioengineering Stabilization

Huitt-Zollars provided services for improvements to mitigate erosion problems along the tidally influenced Robinson Bayou. The project used adjacent City property to mitigate flows while providing pedestrian trails and a bridge. Preliminary Engineering Phase included field investigations, surveys, geotechnical investigations, drainage analysis, tree survey, utility coordination, coordination with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Texas Department of Transportation and General Land Office of Texas, and preparation of three conceptual designs with cost estimates. Final Design Phase consisted of a tree preservation plan and final design documents involving earthen repairs, riprap, coir logs, geoweb walls and rock gabions for tree protection. 

Read a case study to learn more about the project!

Robinson Bayou Bioengineering Stabilization
League CIty
City of League City

 Environment Project of the Year, for projects less than $2 million, American Public Works Association, Texas Chapter (2015)