Zuni Senior Center

The 9,600 square foot Zuni Senior Center provides the Elders a safe, comfortable, and culturally responsive place to gather, socialize, and conduct programs. The building’s main space, a large activities room, allows for group activities such as exercise, dining, and social events. The breathtaking view of the sacred mesa, Dowa Yalanne or “Corn Mountain,” fills this room with its majestic presence and reinforces the Elders’ tie to their sacred land. The other spaces within the Senior Center consist of administration offices, a small conference room, kitchen, and general storage. The building’s finished floor was raised three feet above the flood plain to mitigate chances of flooding. To celebrate the Center’s proximity to Dowa Yalanne, the building’s exterior finish is symbolic of the beautifully striated layers of the sacred mesa.


Zuni Senior Center
Pueblo of Zuni