
Mutual Materials Manufacturing Campus

Huitt-Zollars provided engineering and landscape design services for this concrete-paver manufacturing facility. The facility has several buildings located on a 20-acre site. Fast-track design was provided for utilities to serve all the buildings and for drainage, erosion control, grading, and parking lot layout. The design was coordinated with neighboring projects, and onsite landscape design was provided.

Wastewater Master Plan

Huitt-Zollars provided sewer system master planning for this 445-acre planned industrial park. Design and construction services associated with 8,000 linear feet of on-site sewer system improvements were provided for Phase 1 (125 acres) of the project. In addition, Huitt-Zollars managed and designed a 20-MGD sewage pump station and three 20-inch diameter HDPE, and 12,500 linear feet of sanitary sewer force mains that convey sewage from the pump station to an existing 48-inch gravity sewer. Force main design challenges included crossing two active railroad lines and two arterial roadways.

Seelye Sewer Replacement

Huitt-Zollars provided design for the replacement of approximately 12,000 linear feet of sewer, 12,000 linear feet of new sewer main, and 15,000 linear feet of new side sewers for the sewer collection system in a 250-house neighborhood. The existing system ran through backyards and under houses, and had extensive maintenance and inflow and infiltration problems.

Lacey Gateway Pump Station

Huitt-Zollars designed the Lacey Gateway-Phase II sanitary sewer regional lift station and reclaimed water storage/distribution systems for the 250-acre public and private mixed-use development. The regional lift station includes at least three wet wells with submersible pumps, a control building, an emergency generator and a force main over one mile in length.

Operations and Maintenance Facility East

Huitt-Zollars was retained by Sound Transit to conduct the site selection, environmental analysis, and preliminary engineering for development of a second Link light rail operations and maintenance facility. The project is currently under construction. The new facility is needed to accommodate the approximately 80 light rail vehicles required to operate the three Link extensions north, south, and east, approved and funded through the ST2 Plan. The total fleet requirement for ST2 is approximately 180 vehicles and the existing Forest Street OMF has a maximum capacity of 104 vehicles.

South Link Non-Motorized Access Study

Sound Transit requested that Huitt-Zollars prepare a Non-Motorized Access Study of the area within 1/2 mile of the proposed South 200th Station area. The purpose of the study was to review existing pedestrian and bicycle routes, and propose improvements to current bike and pedestrian facilities to encourage non-motorized access. Huitt-Zollars performed site reconnaissance, identified issues, performed existing conditions inventory, and identified a non-motorized access network based upon the “Proposed S. 200th Street Station Area Capital Mitigation Options” map provided by the City.

South Link Extension, Sea-Tac Airport Station to South 200th Street

Sound Transit’s South Link extension expands the agency’s light rail system 1.6 miles, to South 200th Street. Huitt-Zollars served as the prime consultant and developed preliminary engineering plans for the guideway, systems, station, and related capital improvements. The project utilized the Design/Build contracting approach which was Sound Transit’s first initiative with this contracting method.

South Transit Link Light Rail (LRT) Section 700

Huitt-Zollars prepared the final design Section 700 of Sound Transit's Link Light Rail Project. The line is approximately 8,000 feet in length, and composed of approximately 6,000 feet of surface construction, 2,000 feet of aerial structure main line, and 1,200 feet of the aerial connections to the maintenance facility located on Rainier Brewery property adjacent to Airport Way. Section 700 required extensive coordination with Seattle Public Utilities for utility relocation and Seattle City Light for relocation of a 230kV transmission line.

Gig Harbor Park and Ride

Huitt-Zollars’ scope identified potential sites for a 500-car park and ride, evaluated alternative sites, prepared preliminary concept design, and prepared an Environmental Assessment to meet Federal Transit Administration standards. The design solution provides additional parking capacity in order to meet future demand for park-and-ride facilities, improves access to transit, reduces transit travel times, provides safer pedestrian circulation, accommodates a link to a regional bike trail and improves development capability on adjacent parcels.