Springfield USA, home of the beloved animated sitcom The Simpsons™, makes guests feel as though they have entered the world of the longest-running animated television series in history. With details pulled straight from the show, the 30,000-square-foot expansion was a retrofit to the old International Food Court area of the park. Take a stroll down Fast Food Boulevard and choose from an array of familiar eateries featured on The Simpsons™ such as Moe’s Tavern, Krustyburger, The Frying Dutchman, Luigi’s Pizza, Cletus’ Chicken Shack, Bumblebee Man’s Taco Truck, and Lard Lad Donuts. Other notable additions include Duff Gardens Brewery, a brick-laden outdoor bar and retail shop with lakefront seating, and a new town park featuring a statue of Jebediah Springfield. Kang and Kodos’ Twirl ‘n’ Hurl ride and midway games create a strong relation to the existing The Simpsons Ride and adds to the fun. Areas for character meet-and- greet as well as character statues were included in areas adjacent to the Kwik-E-Mart and Duff Brewery.
Universal Studios Florida - Springfield USA
Universal Creative